Trial Tip: Go After Challenges for Cause


In Season 3, Podcast #17 of Trial Alchemy™, I interviewed ABOTA member and outstanding plaintiff attorney Robert F. Vaage, Esq.  

Click on the video above to hear Bob discuss the importance of going after challenges for cause to remove potential bad jurors.  

Click here to listen to complete podcast.
To listen to the podcast on Spotifyclick here.
To listen to the podcast on Appleclick here.
To watch and listen to the podcast on YouTube, click here.



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Mediation, Arbitration & Referee Services

I help attorneys and their clients throughout California as a mediator, arbitrator and referee at ADR Services, Inc. I handle business, commercial, employment, insurance (bad faith, coverage, UIM), probate, real property, and tort cases. I've been a California civil trial lawyer since 1980, a member of ABOTA since 1995, I've tried over 100 cases and I've represented both plaintiffs and defendants in the areas listed above. To schedule a new matter, please contact one of my case managers at ADR services, Inc., Haward Cho, [email protected], or Rachael Boughan, 
[email protected], (619) 233-1323.  


Do well and be well.  

Best regards,
Monty A. McIntyre, Esq.
Mediator, Arbitrator & Referee at ADR Services, Inc.
Trial Mentoring™: Trial training and preparation
Podcaster: Trial Alchemy
Publisher: California Case Summaries™
CA Civil Trial Attorney Since 1980
ABOTA Member Since 1995
Past President San Diego County Bar Assn., SD ABOTA Chapter
Phone: (619) 990-4312.
Email: [email protected]

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