Trial Alchemy™ tip: Judge Barton says Cross-Examination is the Most Important Part of a Jury Trial

cross-examination Oct 15, 2024

In Podcast #13 of Trial Alchemy™, I interviewed ABOTA member and outstanding retired civil trial judge Hon. Jeffrey B. Barton.  

Click on the video above to hear Judge Barton discuss why he thinks that the most important part of a civil jury trial is the cross-examination. 

Click here to listen to complete podcast.
To listen to the podcast on Spotifyclick here.
To listen to the podcast on Appleclick here.
To watch and listen to the podcast on YouTube, click here.



California Case Summaries™
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The fast and easy way to always know the new published cases in your practice areas to get a competitive advantage and win more cases. By consistently reading new published cases, civil attorneys will significantly improve their legal knowledge, skills and overall effectiveness as advocates. This unique subscription provides one-paragraph case summaries,...

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Trial Alchemy™ Podcast: Cross-Examination

cross-examination Dec 26, 2023

In Podcast #5 of Trial Alchemy™, I interviewed ABOTA member and outstanding plaintiff lawyer Brian Chase, Esq. of Orange County. Click on the video above to hear Brian discuss cross-examination. Once in a while, it can pay off to ask a question on cross even when you don't know what the answer will be!      

Click here to listen to complete podcast. 
To listen to the podcast on Spotify, click here.
 To listen to the podcast on Apple, click here.

California Case Summaries™
Know the Law. Win More Cases.  

California civil lawyers who know the new case law get a competitive advantage and win more cases.

However, it's hard to know the new cases because California courts publish 500 new civil cases each year! Moreover, many of them significantly change the law! 

The perfect solution is California Case Summaries™ which provides one-paragraph summaries, organized by legal topic, of every...

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New CA Employment Case

  • Keep Current. Save Time. Win More. Make More Money
Since 2012, I've helped California lawyers save time and easily keep up with the new case law to win more and make more money with my publication California Case Summaries™. I prepare short one paragraph summaries that can be read in 2 minutes, organized by legal topic, of every new published CA civil case (typically 25-100 pages long) in monthly, quarterly and annual subscriptions. My publications are only available to a limited number of subscribers, giving them a competitive advantage. They are periodically opened to new subscribers. 
Join Our Email List: To get my free summaries of the 22 new civil cases published by the California Supreme Court in 2021, click here. 

Cross-Examination by a Workplace Restraining Order Defendant

When an employer seeks a workplace restraining order, does the defendant have a right to cross-examine witnesses? Last month,...

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