New CA Trial Case

  • Comply with Rule 1.1 of the CA Rules of Professional Conduct. 
  • Keep Current. Save Time. Win More. Make More Money

December is the time to finish this year strong and prepare your law practice for an outstanding 2023. Knowing and applying the new civil case law in your practice areas will help your law practice thrive in 2023.

To instantly get all of our civil case summaries for 2021, and in early January get all of our 2022 civil case summaries, subscribe in December to California Case Summaries Complete™ (to get all of my publications - monthly, quarterly and annual), or to my annual publication California Case Summaries Annual™, or to one of our Annual Practice Area publications for Employment, Real Property or Torts. This is a great two-for-one deal! My one paragraph summaries, that you can read in 2 minutes, help California lawyers easily keep current with the new case law in their practice areas, work up their cases better, settle their cases...

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