Trial Alchemy™ Podcast Tip: Preparing for Trial.


In Podcast #12 of Trial Alchemy™, I interviewed ABOTA member and outstanding defense lawyer Bob Juskie, Esq.  

Click on the video above to hear Bob talk about how he prepares for trial. 
Click here to listen to complete podcast.
To listen to the podcast on Spotify, click here.
To listen to the podcast on Apple, click here.
To watch the podcast on YouTube, click here.


California Case Summaries™
Know the Law. Win More Cases.  

California civil lawyers who know the new case law get a competitive advantage and win more cases. But it's hard to keep up because California courts publish 500 new civil cases each year and many of the new cases significantly change the law! 

The perfect solution is California Case Summaries™ with one-paragraph summaries, organized by legal topic, of every new published CA civil case. Subscribers get monthly case summaries with the...

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