New Tort Case Published in October 2021

torts Nov 03, 2021

California Case Summaries Monthly
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Below is a free sample of a new case summary from the newly published issue of California Case Summaries Monthly, with summaries of the 42 new California civil and family law cases published in October of 2021.

California Courts of Appeal


Doe v. Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles (2021) _ Cal.App.5th _ , 2021 WL 4891312: The Court of Appeal reversed the trial court's order granting defendant's motion for summary judgment in plaintiff's action for sexual abuse by a priest while plaintiff was a boy attending catechism classes at church. The priest was not plaintiff's catechism teacher. The trial court held the church did not owe a duty to protect plaintiff. The Court of Appeal disagreed, ruling that a church has a duty to protect children from sexual abuse by clergy while the children are attending religious school or participating in other church-sponsored programs. (C.A. 2nd, October 20, 2021.) 

California Case Summaries™

I offer monthly, quarterly and annual civil case summary subscriptions to help California Lawyers look smart, save time and money, get better results, and grow their law practices. Here are the available subscription options:

California Case Summaries Monthly™:  short summaries (one paragraph), organized by legal topic, of every new civil and family law case published each month by California courts for only $50 per attorney per month. To subscribe, click here.

California Case Summaries Quarterly™: short, organized summaries of every new civil and family law case published each quarter, with the official case citations, for only $200 per attorney per quarter. To subscribe, click here.

California Case Summaries Annual™: short, organized summaries of every new civil and family law case published each year for only $900 per attorney per year. To subscribe, click here.

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Monty A. McIntyre, Esq.
CA Civil Trial Attorney Since 1980
Mediator, Arbitrator & Referee
Lawyer Master Mentoring
Publisher, California Case Summaries™

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